Judy Wang

OFFICE: 212.360.7000 x106
CELL: 917.582.3231
FAX: 212.840.4979
EMAIL: judy@nyr.com
Ms. Judy Wang brings a plethora of assets to the Real-Estate Field as a Licensed Agent.
Her previous career experience in Public Relations and International Marketing with Bilingual Mandarin/English has been instrumental in Deal-Making.
While obtaining a University degree in Bachelor of Arts – majoring in Classic Chinese History-She worked as a Photo-Journalist honing her Communications skills for Visual and Content Narratives.
The most recent work-spanning 10 years as a Para-Legal/Office Manager provides Clients with insight of legal aspects applicable to Real-Estate- either on the Buy or Sell side.
Most all of her warm and friendly disposition will gain the confidence and assurance during the entire transaction process with Clients and all the associated Personnel.
Examples of personal knowledge to complement the intangibles include – Home Furnishing, Cultural Venues, Culinary Arts and Social Events.
Judy Wang 是媒体和公共关系领域专家,她以深厚的知识和高度的执行能力对市场进行开发,并有超过10年的国际行销经验,对国际企业文化有创造性和适应性的领导风格。
Judy Wang 曾在大型加拿大集团担任过中国公司的首席代表,并在美国纽约的大型律师事务所内任客户和市场经理超过10年。
Judy Wang 在纽约居住超过15年以上,她热爱纽约,熟知纽约。不管是博物馆还是餐厅,不管是公园还是学校,她都耳熟能详,对这里的风土人情了如指掌。
Judy Wang 性格开朗,办事稳重踏实,责任心强,有出色的沟通能力,很强的团队精神,对市场行销、销售团队管理等有出色的经验。与政府各职能部门有良好的沟通。精通美国法律,中文和英文应用自如。